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general meeting for election of party members

release time:2019-04-26 source:fiocco click:288

on the afternoon of april 26, the general party branch of fiocco group held a party member meeting at the party masses service center to hold the general party branch election. present at the meeting were jin feihui, secretary of the party working committee of dongjiao street, zhang shuixia, deputy secretary of the party working committee of dongjiao street, full-time deputy secretaries and organization members of the party (working) committees of towns (streets), heads of double strong party organizations in some provinces and cities and media friends. the meeting was presided over by hong yinyin, deputy secretary of the general party branch.
at the beginning of the meeting, zhang shuixia, deputy secretary of the party working committee of dongjiao street, made a mobilization speech. she affirmed the positive role played by fiocco group in the social and economic construction of the whole street and put forward requirements and suggestions for the next stage of the group's party organization.

zhang shuixia, deputy secretary of the party working committee of dongjiao street

shi yun, secretary and chairman of the general party branch of the group, made a work summary to the conference on behalf of the previous general party branch. since its establishment in 1992, with the strong support and guidance of districts and streets, fiocco group has continuously played an important role in the development of enterprises from oem processing to independent brand, from production and manufacturing to platform service, and realized the transformation and upgrading from production and manufacturing, brand operation and foreign trade comprehensive services to fashion science and technology service platform.

shi yun, secretary of the general party branch and chairman of the group

the general assembly passed the democratic evaluation and democratic recommendation of candidates for the new general party branch, and the dongjiao street conducted the qualification examination of candidates.
in the solemn sound of the national anthem, the inner-party election conference kicked off. the conference first considered and adopted the measures for the general election of the general party branch of fiocco group, and adopted the list of vote monitors and vote counters and the list of candidates for the new general party branch. subsequently, the official candidates of the general party branch made competitive speeches respectively. all party members elected the secretary, deputy secretary and members of the new general party branch of fiocco group based on the principles of openness, impartiality and fairness. the first plenary meeting of the new general party branch committee was held to divide the work of the team and clarify the leader of the discipline inspection team.

candidate competitive speech

vote for a general election

comrade shi yun, secretary of the general party branch, made a statement on behalf of the new general party branch, thanked all party members, cadres and employees for their trust in him, and said that he would lead all party members to earnestly implement the spirit of the 19th cpc national congress, implement the responsibility system for building a clean and honest government, and promote all work of party building. jin feihui, secretary of the party working committee of dongjiao street, delivered a congratulatory message on the election results of the general party branch of fiocco group. finally, the new team led the majority of party members to review the oath of joining the party, and the conference ended successfully in the solemn singing of the international song.

jin feihui, secretary of the party working committee of dongjiao street

the general party branch election of fiocco group is an action to seriously implement the provisions of the group company on the implementation of the action to improve the construction of party organizations. through the general party branch election, it further improved the institutional setting of the general party branch, defined the direction of the construction of the general party branch, and laid an organizational foundation for solidly carrying out standardization construction, party member education and striving for excellence.

division of labor among members of the new general party branch
shi yun served as secretary of the general party branch
hong yinyin served as deputy secretary of the general party branch
xu qing served as deputy secretary of the general party branch
dai xiaomin served as member of the organization of the general party branch
xue qin served as a propaganda member of the general party branch
nie kun served as a youth member of the general party branch
mao lilu served as member of the discipline inspection committee of the general party branch and head of the discipline inspection team